Court Type: | County |
State: | NJ |
County: | Burlington |
Street Address: | 49 Rancocas Road |
City: | Mount Holly |
Zip Code: | 8060 |
Phone: | 609-288-9500 |
Hours: | Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. |
Website URL: | |
Judge: | Hon. Jeanne T. Covert |
Judge Phone: | 609-288-9500 ext. 38800 |
Judge Fax / Email: | |
Clerk: | Alba R. Rivera, Esq. |
Clerk Phone: | 609-288-9500 ext 38001 |
Parking: | Parking is available on either side of Park Drive or in the visitors' lot located on Rancocas Road. You may park in the municipal lots, if needed. |
Forms & Filing: | Forms Catalog |
Divisions / Services: | Burlington Ombudsman : Natonya Phillips 609-288-9500 ext. 38118 |
Jury Service: | Jury Information |
Languages: | Multi |
Facebook: | |
ADA: | Isaac Boykin - ADA Coordinator |
ADA Phone: | 609-288-9500 ext. 38021 |
Wikipedia: | |